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The gold standard in polygraph technology


Northern Virginia Polygraph is happy to work with and use Stoelting Polygraph Instruments.


We use Stoelting Products because they give us the confidence that we are using the most advanced and current technology when it comes to Polygraph. 

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Save Time with Elite's Unique Built-In Display



Stoelting’s Elite Polygraph is the only polygraph unit with a built-in display. The full-color, LCD touchscreen provides you with active feedback.


What is showing on the screen is being mirrored from the software on your computer. This allows you to select the channels you want to record and to instantly verify if sensors are working properly; all without having to leave the subject to return to your computer.


You will know in real time if a sensor is damaged, gives a low reading, or is improperly attached to the subject. Elite indicates this by displaying a red box around the source and a red line through the tracing image on the sensor box.

Today, the Stoelting CPS Elite is the gold standard of computerized polygraph. Its cutting edge scoring algorithms, user friendly features, and outstanding accuracy make it the most outstanding polygraph on the market.


For more information on visit their website by clicking the box below! 

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© 2020 Northern Virginia Pre-Employment and Polygraph Services

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