Post Conviction Sex Offender Testing
Types of Examinations Offered
Instant Offense Disclosure
Specific issue dealing with denial of the crimes of conviction. Sex offenders frequently deny or minimize their behavior both about the Instant Offense and past behaviors. According to Trepper & Barrett (1989) there are four types of denial commonly associated with sexual offenders:
Denial of facts.
Denial of awareness.
Denial of responsibility.
Denial of impact.
Polygraph can be useful in breaking down the barrier of denial, especially regarding the denial of facts about a sexual crime. Often the question revolves around culpability and taking responsibility for their behavior.
Denial of awareness is frequently claimed with the offender maintaining he was unaware of the age victim of his or that he was under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs at the time of the crime. If deemed important, questions can be formulated to address specific awareness issues. For example, “Did you know the victim was only 11 years old?” or “Do you recall having sexual contact with your daughter?” can be used in an effort to break through very specific denial of awareness issues. Denial of responsibility often involves denial of specific facts and/or denial of awareness. It is not uncommon for an offender to maintain that he was tricked into a sexual encounter with a minor, had been mistakenly identified as the offender, or was under the influence of a substance at the time and did not realize what he was doing.
Denial of impact usually is related to the minimization of damage (physical and/or psychological) to the victim. Confronting the denial of facts, awareness, and responsibility can easily be addressed.
Sexual History Disclosure Part I
The Sexual history Disclosure Part I specifically deal with past victims.
The Sexual History Disclosure Part I examination is utilized to explore and extract from the sex offender their prior victims, excluding the crime for which he/she is currently being charged with or otherwise known as the Instant Offense. Names and identification of prior victims are not a focus or discussed in this examination due to a guarantee of immunity from prosecution for any offenses revealed during the Sexual History examination.
Sexual History Disclosure Part II
Issues dealing with complete disclosure of sexual behavior and interests, excluding past victims.
The Sexual History Disclosure Part II examination is utilized to explore and extract from the sex offender their involvement in sexual behaviors, excluding prior victims. The sexual history information can be helpful in facilitating treatment for the offender and assessing risk factors for probation and supervision of the offender. A guarantee of immunity from prosecution for any offenses revealed during the Sexual History Part II and I. This is largely due in part to questions pertaining with an individual’s overall behaviors and past sexual paraphilias.
Maintenance Testing
Compliance issues dealing with probation and or treatment areas.
The Maintenance Examination is utilized to monitor the sex offender’s activities, behavior, and truthfulness with treatment providers and probation offices. It is generally administered every three to six months to ensure offender compliance with conditions set forth by probation and parole and treatment contracts with the offenders. Compliance with treatment and supervision conditions, such as contact with children, viewing pornography, use of alcohol, illegal drugs and abstaining from specific sexual behaviors can be effectively monitored.
Monitoring Testing
Specific issues dealing with new sex offenses.
The Monitoring Examination is utilized to monitor the sex offender’s activities, specifically new sexual crimes. The Monitoring Examination can be ordered at any times that there are questionable behaviors by the offender or where the offender has reverted back into a risk cycle. The Monitoring Examination is intended for community safety and prevention of future sexual crimes.
NVPE&PS knowledgeable staff who specialize in PCSOT testing are available to discuss any of the above listed testing and will assist you in finding the examination that specifically deals with your needs.